We don't have a dog so I can't really commission clever Kay from KaysK9s to create a tiny needle felted replica of a dog of my own. There are just so many potential little friends floating around on Etsy that I can't stop thinking about what my imaginary dog might look like. I think I'd like one like Stella. Maybe then Kay could make me a real life little Stella? I'd definitely want a pink collar on her too. Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish. Camilla doesn't like dogs so a normal dog is out of the question. I'm going to ask her if we can get one of these. The fact that Kay donates a portion of the proceeds to a local animal rescue organisation might help me to convince Camilla that getting me a new puppy friend is a good deed all round. I'll let you know what she says - my little hoofs are crossed.

She said "no".