
This Little Easter Bunny

I don't even want chocolate for Easter this year (i'm more into baked good, hot cross buns are my weakness), just a little Moon Bun by moonscreations or a broach by Sarah McNeil from funiscool. Guess I'll just have to wait and see what the Easter Bunny brings.


This Little Rabbit

I'm always looking for little friends and pets to keep me company while Camilla is at work all day long. I have been been pestering Camilla for a bit bunny ever since I saw these little ones on Fifi's blog.
Even Fifi herself has a pet. Her little dog is called Stella. She even accessorises her Chanel outfit with Stella.
By the way, I must confess that I think I have a little crush on Fifi. She's so stylish and fashionable, I really think we could live happily in Camilla's pantry together. We could eat cake all day long. I'd eat mixed berry muffins and bake her all the carrot cake in the world. This is my very favourite picture of her. I'm going to ask Camilla to buy it for me so I can stick it up on the wall of my pantry.
These are some of Fifi's modelling photos which make my heart go pitter-pat. Here Fifi wears Alexander McQueen.
And here she looks just as lovely in Valentino.

The problem is that I think Fifi has a man in her life. This dude is called Sonny. I saw on her blog that she was hesitant to call him her boyfriend yet but I'm worried if I make a move I'll be stepping on some paws.
I must say, I was very hopeful when I saw this picture of Sonny with another woman. But Fifi explained on her blog that this sheep is Sonny's stepsister.
I wonder if Fifi's best friend, Ruby Gatta, is single. She's more into art and design, so maybe we'd be a better match. After all, I don't wear clothes or have feet for shoes so Fifi and I might not have that much in common after all and I am certainly not as cool as Sonny. Hmph...


I Heart Mini K9s

We don't have a dog so I can't really commission clever Kay from KaysK9s to create a tiny needle felted replica of a dog of my own. There are just so many potential little friends floating around on Etsy that I can't stop thinking about what my imaginary dog might look like. I think I'd like one like Stella. Maybe then Kay could make me a real life little Stella? I'd definitely want a pink collar on her too. Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish. Camilla doesn't like dogs so a normal dog is out of the question. I'm going to ask her if we can get one of these. The fact that Kay donates a portion of the proceeds to a local animal rescue organisation might help me to convince Camilla that getting me a new puppy friend is a good deed all round. I'll let you know what she says - my little hoofs are crossed.

She said "no".


This Little Plan

Camilla hasn't spent any time at home with me lately, she seems to do nothing but work, work, work. I've been thinking that I may as well move out. I've been doing some research and came across these little houses. They come in two sizes: Tiny and Teeny. I have my eye on the smallest Teeny one called X-S from Tubleweed Houses. Well, if they were good enough to be on Oprah, they're good enough for me!
I am not so tough when I see these pictures of the little house at night. I don't like the dark and I will be all by myself, but I guess I will just have to be brave...
Because my plans have already been mapped out. I wander what Camilla will say when I tell her about my plans.

I seriously like this V2 prefab micro home found via the Tiny House blog, it looks so designer chic.
Maybe I could get a winter hideaway as well, this is quite the chalet from Wee House. These houses may be small, but they are strong enough to withstand extreme conditions of snow and desert.
I also have a crush on Walt's micro home which I discovered on Tiny House Blog.
I'll grow my own little garden of lettuce and carrots and potatoes in these little thimbles I found over at Resurrection Fern.
And then I'll live happily ever after. Ha!


This Little Breakfast

I'll admit, I may have been a little bit difficult this morning over breakfast. You see, because I'm so little, I find it hard to find food that is small enough for me to eat. The average strawberry is five times the size of my head.
A normal chicken egg is twice my size.
I can eat quail eggs, but Camilla can't always find them the markets. So even though this little egg was small enough I did not feel like herbs on my egg today and I do not eat out of green bowls.
Camilla told me I was being a fusspot and she was running late for work, so she put the little egg in a white bowl and ran out the door and by then it was cold anyway.

So I just ate this little apple instead. I can't wait for Camilla to get home so we can bake some honey yeast bread.